A woman tried to get a supposed friend to give her £15,000 within 30 minutes or his throat would be slit.

Elspeth Glasgow and an unknown man made the threats to a man in Clydebank's Duntocher in an attempt to extort money from him.

At Dumbarton Sheriff Court on June 12, the 43-year-old pleaded guilty to attempted extortion by menacing the man and putting him in a state of fear and alarm and apprehension of his safety.

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Fiscal depute Dana Barclay said Glasgow, listed in court papers as a resident of Balloch, had become friends with the man in September 2019 and he offered to provide financial assistance to her.

But he began to feel the demands for funding were too frequent.

Then on October 25, 2020, the victim received a call from Glasgow which he ignored. There was a voicemail from an unknown male stating if the man didn't pay £15,000, he would go to his home, take his car and threats to "stab him" and "slit his throat".

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There was a further call saying he had 30 minutes to pay the money and a voicemail from her with the male voice saying he would "put a bullet in his head".

Ms Barclay said there were also a number of WhatsApp messages that if he didn't send money to the unknown male, he would be harmed.

The victim was so alarmed he went to Clydebank police office and reported the matter.

Glasgow was contacted and attended at the police office. She confirmed she had received a financial amount from the man.

She said she was "going through a tough time" through the use of drugs and alcohol.

Defence solicitor Kenny McGowan said his client had no previous conviction and that she had been in an residential rehab facility.

Sheriff Paul Reid said it was a "serious offence" and that he needed a report from social workers on alternatives to custody and given the period of time since the office.

Glasgow will be sentenced on July 9.