The former colleagues and students of a beloved music teacher are to host a special concert in his memory.

Iain Gordon had been battling cancer for 20 months before he died at the age of 54 last year.

He worked in schools across Glasgow and Dumbarton and even became the director of music in a British school in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Now, his former staff and students are coming together and volunteering their time and efforts to pay homage to him.

Iain's wife Maria has been helping put together the production that will take place in Denny Civic Theatre on Friday, June 21.

Proceeds from the evening will be shared between Maggie’s Centre and the Beatson Cancer Charity where he had received care.

Donations are also being taken on a GoFundMe page HERE.

Maria said: “He was a fantastic musician, He played everything. I don’t think there is an instrument he couldn’t pick up and play.

“We thought the best way to honour his memory and to do something good would be to stage a concert.

“When he passed, we thought we would look at doing something that would give back to the Beatson and Maggie’s Centre because he was very grateful to them.”

Iain also worked with youth clubs and theatre groups such as Glasgow Schools Youth Theatre, the Children’s Amateur Theatre Society in Dumbarton and Mummers covering West Dunbartonshire.

Maria added: “A lot of these students have really good stories about how he helped them as teenagers and how he recognised when they were struggling, how he encouraged them to be the best they possibly could and gave them the confidence to go on a stage and perform.”

Tickets are on sale now and can be bought by contacting The event will start at 7.30pm.