A WOMAN has described the "anxiety-provoking" experience of having her husband's medication refused by their GP practice.

Lynn McGhee has hit out at the Green Medical Practice at Clydebank Health and Care Centre after her husband was told he cannot be prescribed two types of medication following a heart transplant.

It comes after we reported that the same practice stopped prescribing medication to a four-year-old girl

The youngster's dad revealed they now need to travel to a Glasgow hospital to get tacrolimus - which the girl takes every 12 hours. 

Lynn has also spoken to the Glasgow Times following her husband Jamie's experience and to highlight the issue. 

Jamie, 64, suffered from a heart attack that turned into heart failure causing him to undergo major surgery last year.

Lynn and Jamie McGhee (Image: Newsquest) He is now on 11 medications, including tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF).

After leaving the Golden Jubilee Hospital following the surgery, his records and details were sent to his GP.

However, once Jamie got home, the practice called to inform him they couldn’t prescribe tacrolimus and MMF.

Lynn said: “After the surgery, the hospital started him off with all the medications, they are really essential that you take them twice a day, 12 hours apart.


“The next thing we got was a phone call from the Green Wing telling us that they couldn't prescribe the immunosuppressants.

“The practice said they weren't willing to accept responsibility for prescribing that sort of medication. It was down to the Golden Jubilee to do it.

“It was the tacrolimus and the MMF that the green wing point blank refused.

“It was very emotional and anxiety-provoking.”

Lynn has been with the practice for 63 years and her husband has been with them for more than 20 years.

They contacted the Golden Jubilee which informed them this wasn't the first case they had heard.

Lynn added: “As soon as we said it was the Green Wing at the health centre the hospital said 'We've had another incident of this a few years ago'.

“Unfortunately, they will stick to their guns, and they won't prescribe it.”

Lynn McGhee (Image: Colin Mearns) The hospital then suggested they change GP.

However, Lynn says this isn’t where their issues began. In order for Jamie to get his transplant last year he had to be taken off the blood thinners he was on and this required a lot of monitoring.

She claims the Green Wing refused to carry these out and they were then forced to travel to Partick where a community health centre could do it.

Looking for answers, Lynn got in touch with the General Medical Council who responded with guidance that contains the expected standards of UK doctors.

It states: "Doctors must act within their competence and only prescribe if they think it will meet the patients’ needs."

Lynn says she believes this to be the basis of the issue (the GP not providing the medication) and hopes that speaking out will hopefully bring attention to the cause.

She said: "We don't want people to have the same situation we encountered last year."

The Glasgow Times has made numerous attempts to contact the practice.