A new milestone has been reached in a multi-million-pound project to upgrade sections of the sewer system that serves Renfrew and Glasgow. 

A temporary overland pipeline stretching nearly a kilometre along King’s Inch Road is now operational and is carrying flows of wastewater.

This temporary pipeline will allow the existing one – which has been prone to repeated bursts over recent years – to be upgraded. 

Robert Archer, Scottish Water Alliance Manager, said: “Commissioning of the temporary overland bypass will come as a huge relief to customers who have been impacted significantly each time there has been a burst.

“The poor condition of the existing pipe has left the rising main vulnerable which is why we have accelerated such a significant investment so quickly.

“With the temporary pipeline carrying the flows and the existing pipe decommissioned there will be no more bursts on that stretch.”

Work has begun which will effectively deliver a brand-new pipe within the old pipe, this significantly reduces the chance of it bursting along the area which has been relined. 

This is the first phase of a more than £10million investment which has been fast-tracked following repeated bursts.

Work on the most burst-prone section of the sewer will be prioritised whilst plans are being developed to upgrade further sections. 

Robert added: “The existing pipe was so vulnerable we had two bursts while we were constructing the temporary pipeline. 

“During the most recent, the project team worked flat out to get the bypass up and running ahead of schedule.

“Scottish Water is investing record levels – around a billion pounds a year – to repair, renew and replace vital assets.

“We have been immensely grateful for the patience and understanding of the local community over recent months and every effort has been made to get this project designed and delivered as soon as possible.”

The work is being delivered by the public utility’s alliance partner Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA) and their specialist contractors and is expected to be completed by November 2024.