A MAN drove at nearly 60 miles per hour (mph) outside a Glasgow secondary school whilst children were walking on the pavement nearby.

Mohammed Aslam had been driving a white Audi A4 on Allison Street in the city’s Southside at around 3.20pm on May 24, 2023.

Police, who were on patrol in the area, saw the car turn onto Cathcart Road before turning again onto Dixon Road.

The 26-year-old then immediately accelerated to speeds of up to 58mph in a 30mph zone.

Officers saw Aslam pass Holyrood Secondary School in Govanhill. At this time children were walking on the pavement outside.

Cops followed the vehicle onto Brereton Street where it failed to give way at a junction turning left onto Boyd Street.

During this time Aslam was travelling at speeds in excess of 50 miles per hour.

The car turned again onto Warren Street which at this time was blocked by other vehicles and Aslam came to a halt.

Police made their way to the passenger side and took hold of Aslam who had been attempting to exit the vehicle.

At this time he struggled with police and attempted to resist arrest by using his arm and refusing to comply with instructions.

Aslam’s details were later taken and checks revealed that he had no insurance for the vehicle.

He was taken to Govan police station where he was cautioned and charged and made no reply.

During the struggle, a police officer fell to the ground and suffered a fracture to his tibial plateau which resulted in him receiving physiotherapy. He was off work for six weeks.

Aslam, of Wishaw, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing on June 19 after pleading guilty to three charges.

The first was driving a car at excessive speeds, driving erratically, accelerating harshly, and failing to give way at a road junction.

The second was using a car without a policy of insurance and the third was resisting, obstructing, or hindering two cops by struggling violently with them in an attempt to resist arrest whereby one officer was injured.

Aslam’s lawyer told the court that the offence “speaks for itself” and revealed that his client was already on a community payback order (CPO).

The defence solicitor said: “It speaks for itself. Mr Aslam knows what he did was entirely wrong.

"The police smashed the window with their batons and there was a struggle after that. He was frightened at the time.

"He is on a CPO at Paisley Sheriff Court.”

Sheriff Bernard Ablett imposed a CPO with a requirement to complete 150 hours of unpaid work.

This will run consecutively with Aslam's other CPO in Paisley. 

Aslam was also disqualified from driving for 22 months and fined £290.