A Barrhead Girlguide volunteer has been honoured for serving almost 50 years as a leader.

Margaret Mary Donnelly won the Renee’s Guiding Star award for her 47-year-long dedication to 1st Barrhead Rainbows and Brownies.

Girlguiding Barrhead created the award in memory of former leader Renee McDougall, Barrhead's longest-serving leader, and acknowledges exceptional commitment and service to Girlguiding as well as for courage, and initiative.

Margaret Mary, 74, joined the Brownie unit as a leader in the 1970s until 2014. She also spent five years running a Ranger unit (for girls 14+) as well as doing two stints as District Commissioner for Barrhead – once in the 1980s and again more recently from 2011-2018.

The former geography teacher also started a Rainbow unit in 2006 for girls aged five to seven.

(Image: Supplied) The guide leader is set to retire this summer after years of teaching girls life skills including first aid and taking them on trips.

She will, however, continue to be involved in Girlguiding as part of the Trefoil Guild and help maintain the county archive.

Louise Lightbody, county commissioner for Girlguiding East Renfrewshire, said: “Margaret Mary truly is an inspiration. She has dedicated so much time over the last 47 years to guiding and we truly appreciate all her hard work and passion for guiding.

(Image: Supplied)

“Our volunteers are vital to be able to run Rainbow, Brownies, Guides and Rangers for girls and young women. We don’t expect them all to stay for decades but welcome anyone who would like to join in the fun.”

Susan Purdie, Barrhead district commissioner, said: “I’ve had the great pleasure of guiding in Barrhead with Margaret Mary for many years. She is such an inspiration and her love and passion for guiding shines through.”