PLANS to transform a run-down multi-use games area (MUGA) in Renfrew into a facility with a synthetic sports pitch have been unveiled by a football club.

Renfrew Victoria has submitted an application for planning permission for the project at Kirklandneuk Pavilion in the town’s Ness Road.

The Vics, as they are known locally, have landed funding to deliver a Cruyff Court in place of the MUGA next to its recently refurbished building.

Stuart Wild, club chairman, said: “Any individual or constituted groups who want use it – walking football, mental health or residents who would like to use it for birthday parties – we have no objection at all and we’ll get it opened up. That would be at no cost.

“We’ve got a lot of kids in the community and I asked a lot of the parents what their thoughts were and they said the MUGA was great at first but it’s become an eyesore.

“We said we can upgrade it. We think we’re doing something for the good of the community.”

The Vics secured a long-term lease for the pavilion and playing fields via a community asset transfer in November 2022.

The agreement was approved at the infrastructure, land and environment policy board, concluding a process dating back to 2019.

Major improvements have been carried out at the building since, including a new kitchen, larger changing rooms, social space and outdoor seating.

And now the club are focused on the addition of a small floodlit astro to expand their offering to include a small-sided game format for boys and girls, enabling football to be played “day and night, all year round”.

A supporting statement, which was submitted with the planning application, added: “Local community groups will also be given the opportunity to grow with plans to host free walking football for men and women of all ages.

“This would be coupled with a coffee club within our newly renovated pavilion, in turn allowing discussions regarding mental health and wellbeing.

“We are also working in partnership with the local pre-five nursery to offer a sensory space for their ever growing numbers of children with additional needs.

“The nursery is currently unable to offer any outside learning due to safety issues. This enclosed astro would allow for outside learning in a safe environment.

“Football for all persons with disabilities – similar to walking football, we wish to offer a safe space to empower players with disabilities to play football.”

However, the application – despite having a number of backers in the community – has not received universal support.

Lindsay McKillop, vice-chair of Renfrew Community Council and Kirklandneuk resident, said: “It’s a takeover bid from the Vics. How much do they want? They’ve got enough parks and now they’re wanting the MUGA.

“Two former community councillors that are no longer with us got it and I will not let their fight be in vain. They fought hard to get that.

“It’s not in great shape. It’s been there for 25 years. What has been spent on it? Not a lot. It’s been left to go to wreck and ruin but it’s used by the young people.”

Responding, Mr Wild insisted the club are trying to give something back with the plans.

He said: “It’s certainly not a takeover bid. We are trying to upgrade the area.

“If someone was to go down and do a risk assessment, I’m quite sure they would condemn the area because of the amount of broken boards and glass.

“We just want to put something back into the community. Nobody uses it at the moment.”

A decision will be made on the application at a later date.