A MAN who was arrested after jumping the barriers at Ibrox Stadium later told cops “I hope your weans have Down Syndrome and die”.

Stephen Corner appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court recently after pleading guilty to two charges.

These included behaving in a threatening and abusive manner by shouting, swearing, uttering threats, and lashing out with his arms as well as uttering sectarian remarks, and struggling violently.

The court heard that at around 3pm on October 29, 2022, three people, who were working as door stewards at Ibrox at a Rangers v Aberdeen Football Club match, saw Corner in possession of alcohol before jumping the entrance barrier.

They then approached the 21-year-old to remove him from the stadium.

Corner lashed out in an attempt to get away and said “you will never catch me, I will punch you”.

The stewards then grabbed hold of Corner to remove him.

At this time he shouted at them “you’re getting done in, I’m going to bottle you” and told them to “f**k off”.

Police attended and attempted to put Corner in handcuffs however he lashed out and tried to leave.

He began to violently resist by kicking out with his legs.

Corner was taken to Helen Street police office and due to his manner, he was taken to the holding cells.

He began making threats towards officers including “I will s**g your maw” and “I hope your weans have Down Syndrome and die. I will dance on top of their graves”.

Corner also called a police officer a “f****n b*****d”.

Whilst at the charge bar he shouted “suck my d**k you clown” and thrusted his groin towards an officer.

Corner, of Springboig, was cautioned and charged and made no reply.

Addressing Corner’s lawyer, Sheriff Joseph Platt said custody is at the “foremost” in the court’s mind.

Sentencing was adjourned to August for a restriction of liberty order assessment to be carried out.

A football banning order will also be considered.