THE hunt is on to solve a 120-year-old mystery involving a famous Glasgow church organ and a mysterious benefactor…..

Margaret Kitson got in touch all the way from Colchester after a recent Glasgow Times feature on Kinning Park.

“Kinning Park Town Hall had a Binns organ, which I understand was given by a Mrs Henderson and family,” she explains.

 A similar Binns organ in GlasgowA similar Binns organ in Glasgow (Image: Newsquest)

“I really would like to know as much as possible about her and her family. Was she a lady of independent means, or was she a rich widow? Was there any reason why she donated the organ? I am also trying to find out how much the organ would have cost.”

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She reveals: “The reason is - Dedham Parish Church near Colchester is going to install this very organ in 2025.”

From Kinning Park, explains Margaret, the organ went to Mosspark Parish Church from where Dedham Parish church purchased it with a view to its restoration. It is currently undergoing renovations by Nicholson’s, a famous organ builders, in Malvern.

“The Binns organ, a two manual 26 stop organ, had a detached console,” says Margaret. “It was built in 1902 and presumably put into Kinning Park Town Hall in 1903 when the hall opened.

“Would any Glasgow Times readers be able to help? I hope to include as much information as possible when I write the history of the organ ready for 2025.”

She adds: “There was an article about Kinning Park, the Hall and Mrs Henderson and her family, in the Govan Press on June 28, 1901, but I have so far failed to find this.”

Can you help Margaret? Get in touch with Times Past by emailing or write to Ann Fotheringham, Glasgow Times, 125 Fullarton Drive, Glasgow G32 8FG.