Glasgow Airport workers have secured a pay rise. 

It has been confirmed today that Unite has secured further pay deals for workers based at the busy airport, as well as Falck firefighters - who perform fire safety functions at the airport. 

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140 workers employed by Glasgow Airport Limited will benefit from a 4.5% increase on basic salary rates, along with a one-off payment of £500.

The pay agreement runs from January 1 until the end of the year and is worth up to 8.5% for some workers depending on grading. 

(Image: Image: AGS Aiports)

Around 50 Falck firefighters have also secured a basic wage increase of 4.5% and a similar rise in the shift allowance.

Double time for hours worked on public holidays along with time and a half for overtime is also part of the deal which also runs from the start to the end of the year. 

Sharon Graham, Unite general secretary, said: “Unite’s campaign to deliver better jobs, pay and conditions for Scottish airport workers is a runaway success.

"We have delivered through negotiations another two good deals for 190 Falck and Glasgow Airport Limited workers. The message to all airport workers is clear - join Unite.” 

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It comes as Unite has clocked up a string of recent successes as part of its ‘Runway To Success’ campaign which is designed to establish standards above the legal minimums across Scottish airports. 

 These include a pay deal for Glasgow airport ICTS workers worth up to 12.8%, a 10.9% for OCS workers based at Glasgow airport, a 10% pay rise for ABM workers at Glasgow airport and 6.8% for their counterparts at Glasgow airport. 

Pat McIlvogue, Unite’s lead industrial officer for aviation in Scotland, said: “The pay settlements accepted by our Falck fire services and Glasgow Airport Limited memberships are good deals.

"Overall Glasgow Airport is a major success story for Unite in terms of delivering and winning for our members.”