A MAN who was arrested after police discovered he had an outstanding warrant told officers “I’ll kick your c***s in, I don’t make threats, I make promises”.

At around 7.30pm on June 16, 2023, John Kieran Whyte’s mother contacted police to raise concerns about her son’s welfare.

Later the same day officers were called to Cambuslang where they saw Whyte making off down Hamilton Road.

Cops followed the 37-year-old and advised him of the concerns and he appeared to become agitated.

Whilst speaking to Whyte police noted his details and a check was carried out which confirmed he had an outstanding warrant.

Officers told him he was under arrest and his manner changed.

Whyte began to shout and swear at police saying “you f*****g idiot” and “I’ll kick your c***s in, I don’t make threats, I make promises”.

He began to headbutt the police vehicle and was restrained for his safety.

Whyte went on to shout at officers “I advise you let me go” and “don’t f*****g touch me, get your hands f*****g off me”.

He was taken to London Road police office. During the journey, he continued to shout and swear.

After arriving at the police office he was asked to get out of the car but refused.

Officers took hold of him and escorted him out at which point he shouted “I’m going to headbutt you, you c**t”.

Whyte then threw his head sideways in an attempt to headbutt police but missed and struck an officer’s radio.

Once inside the police office he continued to act in an aggressive manner and told cops “better get me a f*****g cigarette, if you don’t you better f*****g watch”.

He went on to say “I’ll bite his f*****g ear off”.

Whyte then repeatedly told police he loved them and blew kisses at them.

He was restrained and began to hit his head off of the wall behind him.

On one occasion when he went to sit down he bared his teeth to officers and attempted to bite one to his right hand.

Whyte then spat twice narrowly missing making contact with officers’ feet.

Before he was processed he said “you f*****g p**f, is he a p**f?” and “stop holding me like a gay boy”.

He could not be formally cautioned or charged due to his behaviour.

Whyte, of Blantyre, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court recently after pleading guilty to two charges.

The first was behaving in a threatening and abusive manner by repeatedly shouting, swearing, uttering threats of violence and comments of a sexual nature and homophobic nature and repeatedly striking a police vehicle with his head.

The second was assaulting a police officer by attempting to bite him on the body, attempting to strike him on the head and body with his head and spitting at him. Additionally, assaulting a second police officer by spitting at her.

Whyte’s lawyer told the court he did not have an issue with the narrative apart from the omitted level of intoxication.

The defence solicitor added: “Police were in attendance for concerns over his own wellbeing and when he was arrested it seems he reacted that way.

“He recognises how significant that behaviour was.”

Sheriff Joseph Platt put Whyte on a community payback order with social work supervision for 18 months.

He was also tagged for five months keeping him inside between 7pm and 7am for the first three months and 9pm to 7am for the final two months.