A treasured community garden on the city's Southside is on the lookout for volunteers.

Ibrox Flower Field, located on Hinshelwood Drive, provides a space for health and wellbeing, community unity, gardening education, growing vegetables, and serenity.

Its maintenance is through volunteers from the community and others who provide gardening sessions and community events throughout the year.

Activities in the garden range according to the season and weather but require no prior expertise.

(Image: Elderpark Housing)

All individuals are welcome and equipment is provided.

The community garden recently received a financial boost from Barclays and a local vet practice.

Barclays also contributed staff for a summer clean-up to uphold its local commitment.

Stuart Minnis, co-ordinator of the garden, said: “Volunteers help maintain the areas of the garden by carrying out tasks such as growing vegetables, watering, composting, weeding, caring for plants and carrying out repairs.

“We are always looking for support of local people to help organise and support at the gardening session and events.

“There is always something needing done but all are welcome to come in for cuppa, chat and to enjoy the garden and you may even leave with some home-grown vegetables.

“We readily acknowledge the generous financial and staff support from Barclays and from local vets known as ‘The Dermatology Referral Service’.

“The vet donation is being used to create a seating area in the garden.”

(Image: Elderpark Housing)


Jonathan Giddings-Reid, community regeneration officer at Elderpark Housing, said: “Elderpark Housing is strongly committed to seeing this garden continue to flourish.

“Our tenants living nearby value it immensely as it continues to grow from strength to strength.”

To support the Ibrox Flower Field, contact Stuart Minnis at minnis705@gmail.com or check out the garden’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/IbroxFlowerField.