A woman struggled with her mother causing her to fall to the ground after she was refused money.

Stacey Lewis appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court recently after pleading guilty to assaulting a woman, following her, seizing her by the body, struggling with her, knocking her to the ground, seizing her bags, and pulling her bags.

The offence was committed whilst the 39-year-old was on bail.

The court heard that Lewis’ mother had been on a bus travelling on Jamaica Street in the city centre at around 1pm on August 29, 2023.

The woman was making her way to the St Enoch Centre and as she did, she saw her daughter outside of Costa.

Lewis and her mother began chatting and at this time she asked her mother for money.

Her mother said she didn’t have any and continued making her way to the St Enoch Centre.

Lewis followed her mother into the centre but eventually left and headed towards Argyle Street.

At around 3.45pm Lewis’ mother had made purchases and was on her way to get a bus home.

She met Lewis again near the Bank of Scotland where she again asked for money which was refused.

The woman began walking towards Pizza Hut at the four corners with Lewis following her.

Lewis then seized hold of the woman and struggled with her, seizing her bags, causing the items to fall out.

The struggle caused the woman to fall to the ground.

Members of the public helped Lewis’ mother put the items back in the bag.

Lewis made off and her mother made her way home.

The matter was reported to police. A large portion of the incident was captured on CCTV.

Lewis, of Mansewood , was traced on September 20, 2023, at her home address. She was cautioned, charged, and made no reply. She was released on an undertaking.

Lewis’ lawyer told the court that his client was “extremely embarrassed and ashamed” of what she did.

Sheriff Mary Shields deferred sentencing to January 2025 for Lewis to be of good behaviour.