A TEAM of volunteers have come together to improve a section of a popular path in Linwood.

Jacqueline Thompson from Network Rail organised a day of volunteering after coming across two parkrun volunteers clearing a section of a much-used 5k route.

Jacqueline, organised for herself and 10 of her colleagues to help the community “edge the grass that was starting to overgrow onto the path”. 

"We probably helped them do a month's work within a day" she said.

(Image: Supplied)

The path has become a hotspot of community activity, being used by dog walkers, locals and Linwood Parkrun, who organise a weekly 5k for “100, maybe 200 people every Saturday,” said Jacqueline. 

Linwood Parkrun is free and encourages all members of the community to join the weekly 5k no matter if they wish to walk, jog, run or spectate. 

With a large section of the runner’s route now tidied, Jacqueline said: “It looks absolutely fabulous, everybody just pitched in, it was really good.

“It was knackering, we were there from 10am until 4pm, a couple of my colleagues were really getting into it and didn’t want to down tools first, they would’ve worked till midnight if we had let them."

(Image: Supplied)

Volunteers were kept energised by lunch which was provided by Woodlands Community Bowling Club.

“Everybody all pulled together just to make this happen on the day. I think it's a good story having different organisations working together,” said Jacqueline. 

She has also received fantastic feedback from the community and those who partake in the weekly park run.

One local told Jacqueline: “I ran round the trail this morning, what a difference to have the verges cut back and the paths back at its full width.”