A dog ate rat poison twice in Glasgow costing her owner more than £7k.

Juno is believed to have been exposed to toxins near Oban Court in the city’s West End multiple times over the past month.

The five-year-old Dachshund-Yorkie cross has suffered devastating kidney damage and is now undergoing life saving treatment at hospital.

Owner Sophie Forster, 29, now wants to warn others while her sister Sarah Forster, 38, spoke to the Glasgow Times about the ordeal.

Juno is in hospital Juno is in hospital (Image: Sourced)

Rat poison spotted by Sophie and Sarah after Juno ate someRat poison spotted by Sophie and Sarah after Juno ate some (Image: Sourced)

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Sarah explained: “It doesn't feel safe to take pets out for a walk in the West End right now because there is rat poison everywhere.

“Juno picked it up twice and had to go to hospital both times, we are so worried it will happen again.

“I want people to know because I don’t want any other animals or children getting ill from it.

“There was a rat problem in the area but it clearly hasn’t been handled in a safe or controlled way at all, it is really concerning.

“We have run out of money for Juno’s vet bills which is worrying so we are really hoping people can help us if possible.”

Can you help Juno?Can you help Juno? (Image: Sourced)

Sarah with Juno Sarah with Juno (Image: Sourced)

Juno is currently receiving care at VetsNow pet hospital in Glasgow, but sadly is not insured.

Her owner is desperately trying to find the cash to support her with medics warning her recovery could take “months”.

The family has now launched a GoFundMe to help pay for the vital treatment so Juno can come home.

Sophie is desperate to save her dogSophie is desperate to save her dog (Image: Sourced)

Juno can make a full recovery if Sophie can find money to pay her vet billsJuno can make a full recovery if Sophie can find money to pay her vet bills (Image: Sourced)

Juno is only five-years-oldJuno is only five-years-old (Image: Sourced)

Sophie wrote on the GoFundMe: “Three weeks ago my wee dog, Juno, ate rat poison which was on the pavement outside my flat.

“Since then, she's been receiving vet care to treat acute kidney damage caused by calcium poisoning.

“The cost of her care has been £7,000, but the cost keeps rising. Juno should be able to recover in time, but unfortunately it's not safe to send her home from the hospital yet.

“My family and I can't afford to extend her stay and so I'm asking you for help. I would be unbelievably grateful for anything you can give.

“Any extra money we raise will be donated to Vets Now angel fund to help other owners struggling to afford care for their pets.

“Juno is only 5 years old and this was a huge shock, I just want my wee bean to be able to come home, cuddle on the couch, and steal my socks again.”

You can visit the GoFundMe and donate to Juno’s recovery by clicking here.

Glasgow City Council were contacted for comment.