A Glasgow man threatened to stab a shopworker after he was caught in a store despite being barred.

Robert McColl was seen going into B&M on Bardowie Street in Possilpark at around 8.20am on November 9, 2023.

Staff recognised the 44-year-old as they knew he was barred.

An employee began speaking to McColl to which he replied “get the f**k away from me or I’ll stab you”.

Police were contacted but were unable to trace McColl as he had left before they arrived.

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In a separate incident on November 14, 2023, McColl entered the store again carrying an empty bag.

He went to one of the aisles and put five electric toothbrushes in the bag. There was no recovery of the items.

In a further incident on December 7, 2023, McColl entered the store for a third time at around 4.30pm and went to the electrical aisle.

Two members of staff attempted to speak to him however McColl threatened them stating “I’m getting fed up of you guys. I’m going to end up stabbing one of you”.

McColl then left the store.

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He was later cautioned and charged on December 20, 2023, and whilst under caution McColl said that he had been struggling to pay fines for previous offences.

McColl, of Possilpark, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court from custody recently after pleading guilty to three charges.

These included behaving in a threatening and abusive manner towards a retail worker by threatening to stab him, stealing five electric toothbrushes, and behaving in a threatening and abusive manner towards two retail workers by threatening to stab them.

The latter offence was committed whilst McColl was on bail.

Sheriff Louise Arroll deferred sentence for four weeks for reports to be prepared.