Fed-up residents in parts of Renfrew won’t leave their homes “unless absolutely necessary” because of disruption caused by roadworks, a councillor has said.

Furious elected member Jamie McGuire has hit out at the misery created by the works on Inchinnan Road, which have been ongoing since mid-June.

The Labour representative for Renfrew North and Braehead claimed the disturbance has been so severe that people in Blythswood and Kirklandneuk have limited their movements.

He said: “Frequent road closures and delays have become a daily occurrence, with some residents reporting wait times of over an hour.

“This situation has led to missed hospital appointments, work delays and a general sense of exasperation among the community.

“For many residents in the Blythswood and Kirklandneuk areas, the disruption has been so severe that they have chosen not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary.

“The uncertainty and unpredictability of the traffic situation have left them feeling trapped and helpless.”

The works form part of the Clyde Waterfront and Renfrew Riverside project, which includes a new bridge and will provide the town with a direct connection to Yoker and Clydebank.

Renfrewshire Council said the project will “improve connectivity for communities and support business growth in the area” in a statement.

But temporary traffic lights on Inchinnan Road, which have caused tailbacks, remain a source of frustration for drivers.

Councillor McGuire added: “The impact of these traffic works is far-reaching.

“Not only are daily routines being disrupted, but there is also a growing concern about the lack of communication and consultation with residents prior to the commencement of the works.

“Many feel that they were not adequately informed or given the opportunity to voice their concerns.

“Better planning and communication could have alleviated much of the current frustration.

“Staggered work hours, improved signage, and clear communication about road closures and expected delays could have made a significant difference.”

Signage next to the road warns of possible delays until the middle of August.

A council spokesperson apologised for the situation and explained why the works are necessary.

They said: “Two new crossing points are being constructed as well as road levelling work to facilitate joining the new road and footpath on Argyll Avenue, which leads to the bridge from Inchinnan Road to the existing roundabout.

“These works necessitate traffic management, which has been scheduled as far as possible to be undertaken during the quieter school holiday period.

“The contractor has responded to the impacts by ensuring there are manual operatives on site to override lights if queues build up in one direction and to reset the lights quickly when issues arise.

“The sequence of the lights can be affected when vehicles run through red lights.

“We apologise for the required disruption and the contractor has aimed to minimise the impact of traffic management on the local community.

“Works are now in their final stages and are due to be completed by mid-August.”