Dear Janice, I didn’t think it was possible for feet to smell so bad, but when my boyfriend took his trainers off for the first time at my house, I was totally overwhelmed by the stench.  

He, however, seemed oblivious to the fact that this odour was eyewatering. 

I had to say something, but he brushed me off saying I must have a very sensitive nose!  

I replied that it didn’t take a Bloodhound to sniff out his disgusting feet, and next minute he put his trainers back on and left!  

Perhaps I could have been more sensitive, and I want to make it up to him, but I also know that I couldn’t live with feet like that.  

Where do I go from here? Joan.  

Dear Joan, even if he can’t smell what you smell, he will be embarrassed by your comments, so apologise for your outburst and ask if you can meet up for a chat.  
If his feet are as pungent as you say they are, then it’s likely that other people smell them too so I reckon he must be aware there is an issue.  

There are endless products to combat foot odour, but you need to find out the cause first.

Therefore, suggest a visit to his GP to see if he has athlete’s foot, eczema or psoriasis. All of which are treatable.  

Washing frequently helps too.  

Don’t let this smelly problem come between you because if you are to become sole mates, you should put your best foot forward and try to heel the rift now before it’s too late!  

Dear Janice, I have been on four dates recently and was ghosted after each one.  
I enjoyed every date and thought they did too, but obviously not.  

I wanted to text or call to find out why they suddenly disappeared, but my friend talked me out of it saying “it is what it is” (whatever that means).  

I would never ghost anyone and can’t understand why this happened to me.  

How can I move on if I don’t know what I’m doing wrong in the first place, and do I continue online dating? Susan.  

Dear Susan, your friend is right. If someone ghosts you it means they want no further contact.

It also means you dated someone who is immature, ill-mannered and doesn’t have the social and communications skills to handle the situation.  

So no loss really.  

Unfortunately, ghosting is not uncommon, so please don’t take it personally.

That said, if future dates do the same, then you may need to question why.

Do you come across as overwhelming or too keen?

Ask your friend to be honest with you.  

There are decent people out there, many of whom still have the courtesy and honesty to tell you face to face that for them, the date is going no further.  

Don’t feel despondent and give up, just move on.  

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