A Glasgow man who told a police officer “I hope your weans die in a horrible fire” has been jailed.

Neil Gordon was in his home at around 5.45pm on September 9, 2023, when he was visited by cops in relation to a separate matter.

During a journey in a cell van to Govan police office the 46-year-old became abusive, shouting, and swearing at police.

Gordon stated “f*****g rats” and uttered threats including “I’ll rip your face off, as soon as I’m out of here I’m going to smash the f**k out police”.

He went on to tell an officer “you p**f rat c**t. I hope your weans die in a horrible fire.”

Gordon made threats to stab and murder throughout the journey and referred to officers as ‘rats’ and ‘scum bags’.

He also made offensive remarks such as “fenian b******s” and “p**f b******s”.

Attempts to charge Gordon were not successful as he shouted over officers.

He was placed in custody for a period.

Gordon, of Lilybank, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court from custody recently after pleading guilty to acting aggressively towards cops, repeatedly shouting, swearing, uttering derogatory remarks, making challenges to fight, threats of violence, threats to kill, and comments of sectarian and homophobic nature.

His lawyer revealed he is currently on remand for a separate matter.

The defence solicitor added: "In the grand scheme of things, this is fairly low-key. He had a serious alcohol and drug addiction." 

Sheriff Mary Shields sentenced Gordon to five months in prison.