A THUG brutally murdered his lover after returning from the football.

John Higgins, 63, battered and choked Amanda McAlear at her flat in Glasgow's Barmulloch on May 7, 2022.

The 50-year-old's son made the tragic discovery of her body when he visited her home the next day.

(Image: Supplied) Higgins had been due to stand trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

But, via his KC Michael Meehan, he instead pleaded guilty to the murder charge.

The delivery driver faces a life sentence when he returns to the dock in September.

(Image: Supplied) Prosecutor Neil McCulloch told how the couple had been together for four years.

On the day of the murder, Higgins had been out at a football match and then went to the pub before getting a taxi back to Amanda's.

He had chatted in the cab about "looking forward" to having an Indian takeaway and watching TV.

Amanda also returned home having visited her elderly mother.

The last contact she had with other family was a phone call with her son.

The exact details of the fatal attack are not known, but it was at the flat Higgins killed his partner.

Amanda is said to have been killed between 6.48pm and 9.46pm that night.

Prosecutors stated he grabbed her, repeatedly punched the mum on the head and body as well as strangled her.

READ MORE: Glasgow woman murdered in her own home 'should've been safe'

The court heard Higgins left stricken Amanda and made an "unplanned" visit to his sister and brother-in-law later that night.

He told his sister that he had “seen red” and reckoned “things had went too far”.

He claimed he had a "fight" with his partner after she unplugged the TV as he was watching it.

Mr McCulloch said: "He did not say anything about Amanda McAlear being injured or needing medical attention."

Higgins spent the night there and when he awoke later, he stated to his brother-in-law: "You know when reality hits you."

(Image: Newsquest) Amanda's son later went to visit her home. After making his way in, he went on to discover her badly injured body.

A 999 call was made, but tragically Amanda had already passed away.

Mr McCulloch said she had been subjected to "multiple blows" as well as "compression" of the neck.

Higgins turned up at a police station on May 8 with his solicitor before being charged.

The court heard Amanda had a "close and loving relationship" with her family.

As a result of her death, she did not see the birth of her youngest grandchild.

Lady Haldane adjourned the case for reports.

She told Higgins: "You have pleaded guilty to taking the life of your partner Amanda McAlear in the truly tragic circumstances described."

Higgins had faced other allegations including the assault and rape of another woman, but not guilty pleas were accepted.

Following the guilty murder plea, a top cop slammed Higgins' 'brutal attack'.

Detective Chief Inspector Craig Riddell, Senior Investigating Officer, said: “This was a brutal attack on a woman who should have been safe in her own home.

"Amanda’s family have been left absolutely devastated and our thoughts remain with them at this difficult time.

"We hope that this conviction brings at least a degree of closure for everyone involved.

“I would like to thank Amanda’s family, friends and those in the wider community who helped officers during this enquiry."