A MAN has hit out after he was fined for parking in a lane behind his home despite having a parking permit. 

Stephen Johnstone, who lives in the city’s West End, says there has been a sharp increase in the number of parking fines being issued in the lanes behind his home – despite there being ‘no signage or yellow lines’.  

Dowanside Lane was adopted by the council while neighboring Ruthven Lane is privately owned and Stephen, who has lived in the area for around eight years, says local residents, business owners and customers often park there. 

However, despite having a parking permit and a blue badge, Stephen was issued a fine while parked in Ruthven Lane and he has been told he cannot park there or in Dowanside Lane as there are no designated parking bays. 

(Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

Stephen did not have to pay the fine on this occasion as the number plate was entered incorrectly.  

He said: "There’s no poles, there’s no signage, there’s no legislation and there’s nothing whatsoever on Dowanside Lane.  

"Traffic wardens have got to take a picture of something before they can put it through on a ticket but what are they taking a picture of?"

He continued: "Is the council needing that much money they’re going to start bullying people parking on private lanes to get revenue in?"

However, a spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said the area is a restricted parking zone which only requires white road markings to mark out parking and loading bays. 

Dowanside LaneDowanside Lane (Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

Stephen says he believes the increase in parking fines has come as a result of the low emissions zone being introduced in the city centre which has also led to him parking in the lanes more recently.  

He explained: "I think it’s coming from the LEZ.  

"Ever since that’s come into force, folk are parking outwith the town and going into these streets and lanes to park.  

"But we’re residents, all these streets are getting filled up and we can’t get parked so we’re parking in the lane but they’re [traffic wardens] saying ‘no’."

The 63-year-old, who believes traffic wardens have no ground to issue fines in the lanes, added: "I feel really aggrieved. 

"The last couple of years, periodically they would turn up and just rattle these lanes but now it's as if they’re camped in here."

(Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

A local business owner, who asked to remain anonymous, also says they believe "things are getting out of hand" and says the issues with parking on the lanes only started around the end of June.  

They said: "I’ve been able to park here [on Dowanside Lane] for the last 15 years.  

"It’s a residential lane with no traffic in it, but the traffic wardens for the first time in the years I’ve been here have decided to take a walk down the lane and ticket any vehicles that are in it.  

"So, I have nowhere to park my car to come to my business. I’ve never had any trouble with this."

They added: "I think it’s ridiculous.

"These lanes have no signage saying anything about parking. There are no yellow lines."

(Image: Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said: "Like many other privately maintained lanes across the city, Ruthven Lane has parking restrictions in place. 

"Whether or not a lane is privately or publicly maintained, it is still considered to be a road and as such, parking, waiting and loading regulations can be implemented and enforced as appropriate. 

"Dowanhill is a Restricted Parking Zone, with statutory signage installed at every entry point.

"As an RPZ only requires white road markings to mark out areas such as parking bays and loading bays, no additional lining or signage is required for enforcement. 

"If a person is of the view that a Penalty Charge Notice has been issued incorrectly, they can appeal to the council."