A MAN who spat at a door steward after being denied entry to a Glasgow bar exposed the worker to the risk of illness and infection.

Grant McLaughlin had been at Moskito on Bath Street in the city centre at around 9.50pm on October 8, 2022.

At this time the 30-year-old was told he couldn’t go back into the venue due to him being disruptive.

In response to this McLaughlin spat at a male steward and the spittle landed on the chest of his jacket.

Police nearby were approached by the worker and saw the spittle on his jacket.

Officers went over to McLaughlin and cautioned and charged him to which McLaughlin replied that he had done it in retaliation.

McLaughlin, of Springburn, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing recently after pleading guilty to assaulting a man by spitting on his body exposing him to the risk of illness and infection.

McLaughlin’s lawyer told the court that his client was so embarrassed by his behaviour that it took “significant effort” to get him to watch the CCTV footage.

The defence solicitor said: “There is a record. He has managed to stay out of trouble for a relatively long period of time.

“There was nothing mature about his behaviour on this occasion. He was denied entry back into the bar.

“He was already in there and some of his belongings were in there. It took significant effort to get him to watch the CCTV footage because he was so embarrassed by his behaviour.

“The custody threshold has been met as it was assault by spitting during a period where there were global issues going on with the pandemic.”

Sheriff Mary Shields tagged McLaughlin for six weeks keeping him indoors between 7pm and 7am.

McLaughlin was also placed on a community payback order with 12 months of social work supervision.

He was also ordered to pay £200 to the worker who he spat on.