A Clydebank man who has run shows for megastars like Robbie Williams and Bjork is swapping world tours with his passion for photography.

Mark Cameron first entered the industry in 2004, selling merchandise at gigs to make extra money as he worked in hospitality in London.

Despite his fast climb from stage manager to production manager for artists like Simple Minds, Fatboy Slim, and Manic Street Preachers, Mark saw the shut down of live music during Covid as an opportunity to focus on photography.


(Image: Mark Cameron)

He said: "I'd always been around music.

“It’s always been a part of my life, playing guitar. I fell into stage management after covering a gig for a friend – I just kept on that path, time flew by and I’d been in the music industry for 20 years.

"I'd always wanted to be a visual artist but lacked the talent for sketching and painting.

"When I found photography, it was an outlet that worked for me."

To develop his skills, confidence, and ability, he enrolled in Glasgow Kelvin College's photography programme.

He contacted Williams’ management and bagged the exclusive privilege to photograph the star during a show in Glasgow in 2022.

(Image: Mark Cameron)

He was the only photographer to be granted special access.

"Robbie ended up recognising me while he was on the stage as I took a picture – it made for a brilliant image of him looking directly into my camera.

"It felt like he was saying ‘this is your shot – take the picture’ to me.

“I always had the passion for photography and a bit of talent, I just needed to harness and focus it.

“The technical skills I picked up at Glasgow Kelvin College really helped with that.

“It gave me the confidence to make this more than just my passion, but my craft.

(Image: Mark Cameron)

“The world runs on networks, contacts, and opportunities, and it doesn’t matter what business you’re in.

“If you don’t say ‘yes’ to things or try to network to make contacts, nothing’s ever going to happen to you.”

He is speaking as part of Glasgow Kelvin College’s National Opportunity Day campaign, which encourages people to seize the options available to them through a college education.

The event will take place on Wednesday, August 7, during the Glasgow Kelvin College Open Day, between 1pm to 4pm at Springburn Campus.