NEW Bridges over the River Clyde are two of the biggest projects highlighted in a new report into the progress of the City Deal.

The Govan to Partick bridge and the Yoker to Renfrew bridge are expected to open this year.

They are two of the key large infrastructure schemes that have seen almost half a billion pounds spent so far.

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The report for the City Region Cabinet, states: “Progress is continuing on the landmark Govan to Partick bridge, due to open in autumn 2024.

“The first section of the bridge was installed in October 2023 and the second section installed in July this year.”

On the bridge linking Glasgow to Renfrewshire it stated: “The first opening road bridge over the River Clyde, the Renfrew Bridge is due to open in late 2024. Both sections of the bridge arrived for installation in summer 2024.”

(Image: City Region)

All of the City Deal projects are now underway and 54 have been completed, across eight west of Scotland council areas, with £495m already spent of the £1.1bn total cash that came from the UK and Scottish Governments.

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Completed projects include the Sighthill bridge over the M8 motorway in Glasgow, Greenock Ocean Terminal, and the new transport hub at Motherwell.

(Image: Newsquest)

An award-winning £17m Smart Canal project will combine the 250-year-old Forth and Clyde Canal with 21st-century technology to mitigate flood risk and enable regeneration in the north of the city.

The scheme is designed to unlock 110 hectares of land for investment, regeneration and development, including 3,000 new homes.

Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council  and Glasgow City Region Cabinet Chair said: “Over the past decade, the Glasgow City Region City Deal has helped deliver enormous social, physical and economic transformation.

“Our initial funding from the UK and Scottish governments has been the catalyst for transitioning the Glasgow City Region to become a world-class local innovation economy, attracting many billions in additional capital investment and crucially, supporting thousands of residents into training and employment.

“The latest performance report provides the evidence of that ongoing momentum and the outcomes we’re securing for Scotland’s metropolitan region and its people, as well as for the wider Scottish and UK economies.”

The progress update said local businesses have won £147 million worth of City Deal contracts amounting to 33% of the total value of contracts awarded.

Further opportunities are anticipated with more than £584 million of funding agreed so far for infrastructure works.

The update said 5,500 unemployed residents and 8,000 young people have been supported into work through the City Deal funded skills and employment projects.