A Glasgow schoolgirl plans to go to uni this year after getting incredible exam results.

Roisin Bafiq achieved six higher A’s at just 13-years-old and now hopes to attend university in September.

The youngster, who lives in New Gorbals, hopes to become one of Scotland’s youngest computer engineers.

She realised last December she needed physics to apply for university, but as she wasn’t taking it as a subject decided to teach herself.

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Roisin Bafiq with little sister Roizmin BafiqRoisin Bafiq with her little sister Roizmin Bafiq (Image: Sourced)

Now she has secured top marks in maths, English, computing, biology, chemistry, and physics. 

Roisin explained: “I was really happy when I got my exam results this morning.

“I was expecting them, but I wasn’t sure about physics, I thought I might only get a B.

“I started teaching myself the subject last year at a higher level by just looking up resources online."

“I do study a lot, but I also balance it out with my hobbies like knitting, and I read a lot for fun."

"My dad has always been really into technology, which inspired me, I want to continue to study it at university.

“I want to go to uni this year, so I can explore new opportunities."

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Roisin’s mother Rinoza Bafiq noticed her daughter was very clever when she was around five-years-old.

She was then moved ahead in school in England after being recognised as gifted.

The family then moved to Glasgow during the pandemic and Roisin attended Al Khalil College.

Now her little sister Roizmin Bafi is set to follow in her steps as at just 12-years-old she has got an A in National 5 Maths.

Rinoza said: “I am so happy for the both of them, they were both naturally interested in learning so it was easy to guide them.

“I am full time doctor so I am often busy, I help when I can but they take responsibility for their education.

“I would not have pushed them to advance if it wasn’t something they wanted, but I am really happy that they are doing well with it.

“I hope this experience turns out to be really positive for them in the future and it motivates them to know what they are capable of.”