A Glasgow fundraising group has raised £13,000 to support a guide dog.

The group known as the Glasgow City Rollers has been recognised this week for their remarkable charity work.

Their efforts, through various sponsored events and local collections, have fully funded guide dog Lucy, enabling her to help someone with sight loss.

The sum of £13,000 covers the costs of food, veterinary bills, and ongoing training for Lucy during her working dog career.

This support ensures that guide dogs like Lucy continue working as essential helpers for people with sight loss.

The Glasgow City Rollers are a devoted collection of volunteers.

(Image: Glasgow fundraising group)

Sandi Johnson, community fundraising manager at Guide Dogs Scotland, said: "This amazing group of volunteers have done incredibly well to raise this sum, which will make a real difference for the people we support.

"Volunteers kindly offer their time, support and energy to our charity.

"Without them, we wouldn’t be able to continue our work.

"Our guide dogs are truly life-changing, allowing people with sight loss to enjoy the same freedom and independence as everyone else.

"We are so proud of our volunteers and would like to thank them for everything they do.

"We also wish to recognise the fantastic support that the group receives from individuals and businesses within the local community."

As sight loss becomes an increasingly prevalent issue, with an estimated two million people living with sight loss in the UK today, and a predicted increase to four million people by 2050, more volunteers are in demand.

Guide Dogs Scotland is on the lookout for more helpers and extends the invitation to anyone interested in making a difference.

To find out more, visit www.guidedogs.org.uk/volunteer or call 0800 781 1444.