Television presenter Sean Batty served up some star power at a community café and shop in Milngavie.

The STV weatherman spent an afternoon at Gavin’s Mill as part of a drive to support local businesses.

He served customers and filmed a special video for Scotland Loves Local Week which was released on September 23.

Sean, an ambassador for Scotland Loves Local, said: “The great thing about Gavin’s Mill is that it’s a community project, supporting local people.

“It was started by the community and is run by the community.

(Image: Message Matters)

“This is an historic site which has been restored.

“As a community hub, it brings people together, introduces jobs to the area and opportunities for volunteers - as well as supporting local producers.

“It shows the power of choosing local and the difference it can make to local areas, supporting our friends and neighbours.”

Gavin’s Mill, a former 17th-century corn mill, was revived in 2017 by the Gavin’s Mill Community Project charity.

It is nearly entirely volunteer-run and features a fairtrade shop, café, and event space.

Julie Kelly, who heads the retail, marketing, and events at the venue, said: "We offer a space for emerging producers - people working in small business units or their kitchens, to help them grow their businesses.

“There’s so much entrepreneurialism in Scotland. In fact, it’s incredible. But it’s so hard sometimes for them to get a shop window.

(Image: Message Matters)

“We can give them that here, bring their product to the community and watch them grow.”

Semi-retired businesswoman Julie Hall, who chairs the trading arm of Gavin’s Mill, said: "We’re very much part of the community - a comfortable, friendly café and people love coming here.

“We have a small number of paid staff, but we couldn’t do this without our volunteers, who are of all ages.”

The project is sustained by its charity profits, with plans to expand its community services.

Sue Milne, chair of the Gavin’s Mill Community Project charity, said: "All of its profits go to the charity to help us look after the mill as well as looking after communities overseas and in East Dunbartonshire."

Scotland Loves Local Week is organised by Scotland’s Towns Partnership to encourage people to think, choose, and spend locally.

Tony I’Anson, manager of Milngavie BID, said: "It’s great to see them recognised as part of the Scotland Loves Local drive, which the community has played a prominent part in championing since its launch in 2020."