WE have the power to put our money towards helping small businesses thrive across Glasgow.  

Small business owners are helping to build strong communities by sustaining vibrant town centres and that’s good for our quality of life.

Small businesses are the bread and butter of our economy. However, they can often be undervalued and under-appreciated.

They have had to adapt to compete amongst the bigger brands. Many are still recovering after lost revenue during the Covid-19 pandemic.

It has always been vital to support local businesses, but it’s even more necessary now.

Inflation continues to be a significant issue amongst small business owners with many reporting this is the biggest problem they face.

The cost pressures including wages and skills shortages continue to impact the bottom line of small business operations.

This weekend, you can make a difference by supporting your favourite local businesses and celebrating what they have achieved over the last year. Many business owners and individual entrepreneurs have gone above and beyond to help their customers.

Small shops are bringing creativity and originality to the world. They preserve local culture and promote entrepreneurship.

We know that local artists create more than just beautiful pictures. Many artists have a huge passion for making their own communities a better place to live through their artwork.

When you want to buy some art, such as for decorating your home, think about asking some local galleries or shops that sell artwork for ideas.

Shopping locally helps improve the overall health of your community. Social connections are the root of our physical and emotional health.

Many small and local businesses provide the essential lifeline of every community.

People shop small because these businesses will recognise their face when they walk through their door.

It matters to the business if you buy from them or not and they will always value your support. They consider you their friend and not a customer.

It can be easy to forget about local businesses when shopping online is so convenient. Instead of logging on, you could explore your local town centre or the city centre for products supplied by local businesses. They provide vital jobs and generate local tax revenue.

We can focus on supporting local businesses that can help the city’s wider economic challenges.

More opportunities to innovate and improve productivity amongst business owners contribute to a better future for our city.

We can choose to back local businesses and help to build a stronger local economy.

Local small businesses are developing eco-friendly consumer products, and they are proving that business success and environmental stewardship can go hand in hand.

We can work with business owners to reduce the impact of climate change. This creates opportunities for the business community to embrace a transition to a clean energy economy.

We know that small actions count on a local level. There is a domino effect from doing what you can to support a greener local economy.

It is inspiring to support local businesses that help us towards a greener future.