A CENTRE in Drumchapel for adults with additional support needs is launching a fundraising campaign to build a new complex.

Antonine Court aims to provide the highest level of care and support to educate and enable adults with varying abilities and their families to reach their full potential within their own goals and aspirations.

Staff at the centre feel the facilities need to be upgraded for them to keep up with the increasing amount of individuals who use the service.

Jane Doran, assistant manager of the charity, opened up on the importance of the centre being able to cater to a variety of different needs.

(Image: Colin Mearns) "The building is run down and we need a bigger and better space that can help us provide the best experience for our service users," she said.

"If we can secure the funding we will be moving into temporary accommodation [Garscadden House] while the work takes place as the building would be erected on the same ground we currently reside on.

"The plan we have is that the building would be purpose-built to help our service users, many of whom have complex needs."

Architects have drawn up plans for the project, with it expected to cost at least £3.5million for the job to be completed.

(Image: Colin Mearns) Jane admits it will take a significant undertaking to raise the money required but she is hopeful they can achieve their end goal.

"We are hoping to get a celebrity on board to help promote our fundraising to get a new building," she continued.

"Anything we can get towards it would help lighten the load in terms of borrowing.

"We have had architects in and drawings done to have a visualisation of what we need things to look like.

(Image: Colin Mearns) "The staff are well aware of the challenge in front of us but are hoping we will be able to receive some funding to get things started."

Antonine Court has been around for over 30 years and Jane is keen to lay the foundations for the future of the service.

Fundraisers will be held, a GoFundMe is set to be launched and the centre is also hoping for other donations.

Jane also revealed the roof in the complex is currently leaking, which is one of the many reasons a new building is needed.

"We have a brilliant team who all work really hard, but service users need more in terms of facilities," she added.

(Image: Colin Mearns) "As staff, we do our best to maintain the building but long term we need something more modern.

"The new property would be purpose-built, taking into account all the quiet spaces that we need but do not currently have.

(Image: Colin Mearns) "We also need sensory rooms and a sensory garden. The money would also help us pay for a physiotherapy room, which would be a real help for any of service users who have physical therapy plans.

"It is important we still have a hall as well so we can hold our leisure events, performances and fundraisers."