A quadruple amputee who injured a police officer after striking his face with his metal claw was jailed today for one year.

Thomas Proudfoot, 27, lashed out at constable Joseph Bole in Glasgow's Partick on January 12 2024.

Proudfoot was enraged after officers attempted to get him into a cell van due to earlier trouble.

Proudfoot was locked up for seven years in 2014 after being convicted of sexually assaulting a 17-year-old girl near his former home in Clydebank, West Dunbartonshire.

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He subjected her to a terrifying ordeal during which he kicked her on the head and body and launched a horrific sexual attack.

He also exposed himself and made sexual demands of his terrified victim during the onslaught.

Proudfoot had earlier used his metal arm to break a man's jaw before attacking a police officer.

Proudfoot lost his limbs in 2012 after he was struck by a train in Bearsden, East Dunbartonshire.

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His injuries were so severe and life threatening, he was left with prosthetic limbs including the false arm and metal claw.

Proudfoot pled guilty today to his latest string of charges which include assaulting three police officers.

He also admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner aggravated by prejudice related to sexual orientation.

The court heard that Proudfoot was getting involved in a separate matter the officers had with another man near Partick train station.

Proudfoot shouted and swore at them then repeatedly refused to desist.

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He was told he was under arrest and became aggressive - lashing out with his arms and legs - before he was restrained.

Proudfoot had also spat in the face of PC Jamie Kerr.

Prosecutor Darren Harty said: "It became apparent that he was a quadruple amputee and was unable to be handcuffed as he has a hook on his right arm and the lower half of his left arm is missing.

"He also has two prosthetic legs.

"While a spit hood was applied, he shouted at officers 'you p**fy c***s, f***ing black b******s'."

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Officer attempted to get Proudfoot into a cell van when he kicked PC Andrew McKay violently to the body.

Mr Harty added: "He lashed out violently resisting, and struck PC Bole to the face with his metal hook, causing injury to the left of his face which bled."

Proudfoot - who was found to be out on licence from an earlier matter - was later held in custody.

PC Bole attended hospital meantime due to concerns over infection.

David O'Hagan, defending, told the court that his client who had been drinking initially believed he was helping officers with the other matter.

The lawyer said: "He appreciates that he cannot react in that way.

"Due to how the police had to deal with it, he found it difficult and reacted."