A shop in Kirkintilloch has been granted permission to include alcohol in deliveries to customers.

East Dunbartonshire Licensing Board approved an application from the Premier store in Lammermoor Road which sought an update to its existing alcohol license.

The shop is now entitled to deliver orders including products containing alcohol, which it will fulfil using the Snappy Shopper app, aiming to complete such tasks within 30 minutes to one hour.

Initially it will be the same employees who work in the shop who will make deliveries, and they are well versed in the legal issues regarding the sale and delivery of alcohol.

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The board heard that it was expected this service would be particularly appreciated by the residents of nearby sheltered housing, especially during periods of bad weather.

No orders for alcohol alone will be accepted and such products must be part of an order for other items.

All such orders will be logged with records to be routinely inspected by licensing officers.