Celebrities and politicians will support a major anti-racism rally in Glasgow this weekend.

They plan to counter an anti-immigration protest happening at the same time in George Square on Saturday.

Comedian Janey Godley, Irish rap trio Kneecap, and singer-songwriter Lisa O'Neill, will support attendees at George Square this Saturday to say that refugees are welcome in the city.

Organisers of the anti-immigration rally deny the rally is far-right or racist.

Janey Godley will attendJaney Godley will attend (Image: Newsquest)

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However, Stand Up to Racism (SUTR) has claimed the organisers' links and collaboration with individuals and organisations with a history of Islamophobia, antisemitism and activism in fascist groups.

We previously reported how anyone in Scotland taking part in disorder similar to rioting that took place in England last month have been warned they face “swift and robust” action.

John Swinney, First Minister, made a statement in the Scottish Parliament declaring there was no place for “right-wing thuggery” in Scotland.

And the Solicitor General has said she will direct the Police that anyone engaging is disorder will be arrested, not bailed and could face prosecution in the High Court.

While it was not specifically referred to, the warnings come ahead of a planned event in Glasgow this weekend.

A gathering, billed as a Pro UK Rally, has been publicised for George Square and promoted by far-right figures including the activist, Tommy Robinson.

The SUTR's counter-protest, which has official permission from the council, will hear from a range of speakers from noon onwards.

Nine trade unions, politicians, culture figures, and leading campaigners are expected to take part.

It is intended to reject the far-right violence and racist myths that can scapegoat migrants and refugees.

 Irish rap trio Kneecap will show supportIrish rap trio Kneecap will show support (Image: Sourced)

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Talat Ahmed, SUTR Scotland convenor said: "Our rally is about celebrating and defending multiculturalism and diversity and saying loud and clear that refugees are welcome here and aren't to blame for the problems in society.

"The far right, with their toxic politics of hate and division, are not welcome in Scotland.

"After Reform UK, a far-right party, achieved 7 percent of the vote in Scotland in the general election, and the chilling news this week that the AfD, a party with a neonazi wing, had a breakthrough in German state elections, we urge all to unite against the far-right, racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism."

Cultural figures will show supportCultural figures will show support (Image: Sourced)

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Commenting on the forthcoming rally Linda Somerville, STUC Deputy General Secretary, said: “We have long warned that the far-right poses a dangerous threat in the UK, spreading racist hate amongst communities that are often marginalised and under-resourced.

"The cruel impacts of austerity, compounded by the drip feed of anti-migrant rhetoric from parts of the media and some politicians has created these conditions.

"Trade unions have a long history of defending our communities against fascists and racists and will proudly join the rally in Glasgow to show racists that they have no place here.”

Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie said: “We are aware of a planned protest in George Square, Glasgow, on Saturday, 7 September, and a proportionate policing plan is in place.

“Police Scotland is a rights-based organisation and we have been engaging directly with the protest groups to ensure public safety, while balancing their right to peacefully demonstrate.

“Violence and disorder are not legitimate protest and anyone who engages in disorder will be dealt with swiftly and robustly.”