The new bridge between Govan and Partick has re-connected the communities making it easier and quicker to walk or cycle between the two.

The Govan to Partick bridge, which opened on Saturday has already seen thousands of people cross the river between Water Row on the south bank and the Riverside Museum on the north.

It means people from either side can explore the other side on for or bike far easier than before.

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However, a local councillor has spotted a problem for visitors to the city and people who do not yet know about the bridge

Dan Hutchison, Green Councillor for Govan, has asked Google to add the new Bridge to its maps service.

He said the bridge, which opened on Saturday, is a "game changer" for walking and cycling between the communities.

However, the new bridge is not yet on Google Maps.

This means the quickest route between Water Row and Pointhouse Quay is still listed as via the Bell’s and Millennium Bridges, which takes 11 minutes by bike and 47 minutes on foot, not taking the new bridge into account.

(Image: Google)

He said: “The opening of the Govan-Partick Bridge saw thousands of people walking and cycling over the new bridge on Saturday but now they won’t be able to use functions like Google Maps to utilise the bridge.

“I’m hopeful that Google will act to add it today and the core walking and cycling route that it was designed to be will be fulfilled.”