A man smashed a front door with a crowbar before stating that he was a character from Game of Thrones.

Gary McGhie, 51, of Yoker, was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court recently after pleading guilty to two charges of acting in a threatening or abusive manner.

The court heard that Neil Campbell had been in his home in Knightswood at around 1.45am on March 14, 2022, when he was woken by the sound of thudding coming from the front door.

Mr Campbell made his way to the top of the stairs in view of the front door where he saw a shadow – McGhie - and an item being used to strike the door.

He shouted for the person to “f**k off” and get away from the door but there were more thuds and a round glass window on the door was smashed.

Mr Campbell then saw McGhie with a crowbar in his hand.

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He shouted for his partner to phone the police and McGhie said “there are 500 of us, I’m Ragnar”.

Mr Campbell went to the front door and grabbed the end of the crowbar in an attempt to get it from McGhie.

McGhie, still with the crowbar in his possession, then took a paint scraper and threw it through the smashed window at Mr Campbell.

He then made his way to another property on the street.

Another man, John King was home at the property with his partner when he saw someone walk past outside.

The pair then heard banging at the window on the front door.

Mr King then went to the door where he saw the shadow of someone – McGhie – standing at the door with a crowbar.

He began to shout and scream and McGhie walked away.

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Police attended and saw damage to the glass window at Mr King’s property which had been shattered but not smashed.

Officers tried to trace McGhie but were unsuccessful.

After reviewing CCTV and carrying out further enquiries a photo board was shown to Mr Campbell who identified McGhie.

Cops then traced McGhie and he was later cautioned and charged to which he made no reply.

McGhie’s lawyer told the court that his client’s behaviour had been “bizarre”.

The defence solicitor said: “Mr McGhie at the outset wanted to resolve this matter. He has expressed regret and remorse over what happened in the early hours of that morning.

“He is a man who doesn’t want to be parked with a large dose of methadone for the rest of his life.

"Leading up to this he weaned himself off of harder illicit drugs and took street valium in its place.

“He had very little sleep and was completely disorientated and behaved in the manner libelled.

"Apparently, Ragnar is some sort of character from Game of Thrones or Marvel Comics. Bizarre behaviour, extremely bizarre and very frightening for the witnesses.

"He has not offended since the date of this offence. There is nothing else outstanding.”

Sheriff Bernard Ablett placed McGhie on a community payback order with social work supervision for one year and a conduct requirement to attend any addiction services and mental or physical health services as directed by his supervising officer.

McGhie was also tagged for four months keeping him indoors between 9pm and 7am.