A CONVICTED attempted murderer who brutally assaulted his partner which landed her in intensive care was jailed today for almost three years.

Gary Lindsay, 45, turned on the woman at a property in Glasgow's Blairdardie on February 20, 2022.

Lindsay was out on licence when he repeatedly struck her and caused a bleed to her brain.

She remained in intensive care for five days and a further 10 in another ward.

Lindsay was sentenced to 10 years in 2013 after he struck his friend Clifford Bannigan on the head with a screwdriver.

Both men were at a party in the city's Broomhill which turned violent when Lindsay struck Mr Bannigan on the body, back and head with a screwdriver which had a six-inch blade.

Lindsay was convicted then at the High Court in Glasgow of attempted murder.

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He was found guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court of assaulting the woman to her severe injury and danger of life.

Lindsay was also convicted of a separate charge of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner towards her.

Sheriff Shona Gilroy jailed Lindsay, of Ruchill, for 1,081 days which is one week short of a three-year sentence.

He will also be under supervision for one year upon his release from prison.

A 10-year non-harassment order was also granted prohibiting Lindsay's contact with his victim.

The trial heard that Lindsay repeatedly punched and kicked the woman to the head and body.

He pinned her to a bed, sat astride her and again punched her to the head.

Lindsay went on to seize and drag her by the hair from the bed onto the floor.

He then punched her on the head causing her to fall to the floor before later re-attending the home and punching the woman to the head.

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Lindsay also hurled abusive and accusatory remarks towards her and threatened her with violence as well as struck a door.

The woman was taken to hospital and was found to have suffered a bleed to the brain.

She also sustained bruising and grazing to her right eye, a bruised left eye as well as a bruised rib cage.

The victim also received bruises to her left arm, left chest, shoulder, upper arms, neck, thighs and lower back.

She remained at a high dependency unit for five days before being discharged.

The woman told jurors in her evidence that she then went to a different ward for 10 days.