A Govan social enterprise's weekly walks with a care home have become a highlight for the residents.

Meet Me in Govan, a project by Invisible Cities, provides exercise, stimulation, and entertainment for residents at Florence House.

The walks, which include visits to the Govan Stones, Govan Shipyards, and Elder Park, provide a regular community link and social interaction for the residents.

Jennifer, 54, a resident at Florence House, said: "I really look forward to going to the Meet Me in Govan walks every week, for a lot of us it’s become the highlight of our week.

(Image: BIG Partnership)

“We love getting out into the community and reconnecting with the places we’ve grown up and made memories in, and the added benefit is getting a chance to meet with other people on the tours – usually people with interesting and different backgrounds from us."

The partnership between Florence House and Invisible Cities was celebrated at the care home when Meet Me in Govan marked its second anniversary.

Invisible Cities provide training programmes to lift recruits out of social hardship, giving them an active role in society as 'Walk Leaders.'

Michaela Ditrichova from Invisible Cities said: "We recognise how important our walking groups are for the local community in Govan.

(Image: BIG Partnership)

"Consistency is the key - for many people coming along on a regular basis it’s one of the only sociable touchpoints they have throughout their week, and we know from feedback how valuable it is to those who attend."

Since its establishment in 2022, Meet Me in Govan has provided walks for more than 600 people, covering topics such as housing, work, culture, community, youth, education, immigration, languages, and sports.

Aileas Pringle, community development worker at Govan Community Project, said: "The walks are incredibly important to our community members, and we are thrilled at the positive impact they are having on the regular walkers."