A man told police officers: “Don’t speak unless spoken to” before punching another man in the head.

Stuart Hughes, 20, of Drumchapel, was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court recently after pleading guilty to two charges.

These included behaving in a threatening or abusive manner and assaulting Neil Williams. Both offences were committed whilst Hughes was on bail.

The court heard that cops had been contacted by Mr Williams to attend a disturbance in Broomhill in the city’s West End at around 3.50am on May 18, 2024.

Officers were let into the property by Mr Williams who then told Hughes about their attendance.

Hughes replied, “get them to f**k”.

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Police tried to engage with Hughes however he became aggressive shouting “don’t speak unless spoken to” and “f**k up ya cow”.

Hughes was warned about his behaviour and asked to stop but failed to do so.

He then got up from his seat and walked over to Mr Williams and punched him in the head.

Officers took hold of Hughes, put him in handcuffs, and removed him from the property.

He was cautioned and charged to which he made no reply.

Hughes was then taken to Govan police station and held in custody.

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He continued acting in a threatening and abusive manner with cops stating “I hope all your weans die.

“That’s not a threat, I’m just saying”.

Addressing Hughes’ lawyer, Sheriff Mark McGuire said: “Your client says he spends £500 per month on cannabis.

“I’m going to hit him where it really hurts.”

Then addressing Hughes, Sheriff McGuire continued “If you have got money to pay for cannabis, you have got money to pay a fine”.

Sheriff McGuire fined Hughes £580.