After a five-hour meeting that ended Flamingo Lands' £40 million plans, this is how campaigners reacted to the news.

Cheers filled the hall in Lomond Parish Church as all 14 board members raised their hands in refusal of a resort in Loch Lomond.

Lynne Somerville of Balloch and Haldane Community Council was emotional as she said: "We have fought and we have won."

She added: "I’m absolutely over the moon. 

"We're going to be putting the fighting stage behind us and we can look at the building of the Community Development Trust and what alternative solutions we can provide.

"The developer could appeal and we're not sure if they will or not.

"If they appeal, they have that exclusivity agreement in place. So we can’t rest on our laurels."

A jubilant Lynne Somerville of Balloch & Haldane Community Council and lawyer Ian Cowan leaving Lomond Parish Church last nightA jubilant Lynne Somerville of Balloch & Haldane Community Council and lawyer Ian Cowan leaving Lomond Parish Church last night (Image: Colin Mearns)

Ross Greer hugged some campaigners after the verdictRoss Greer hugged some campaigners after the verdict (Image: Colin Mearns) Ross Greer MSP, who has been a long-standing campaigner against these plans since he gained his seat in Holyrood, said: “This is a huge victory for my Balloch constituents and for our long-running campaign to save Loch Lomond.

"Residents have been united against this daft plan from the start, stepping up to defend one of Scotland's iconic landscapes. After almost a decade, this is the result the community and campaigners deserve.

“I am delighted that the Park Board have rejected Flamingo Land’s destructive plans. Every one of the 155,000 people who objected to this application played an important role in securing today’s rejection and I am grateful to them all.

“After this defeat, I’m calling on Flamingo Land to drop their plans for good and end this decade-long saga. After years of stress and anxiety for local residents, they must commit to no third attempt. Loch Lomond does not need a mega-resort and whatever tweaks they make to these daft plans, they will never go ahead."

Members of the 'Save Loch Lomond' group had been out with posters and banners before the meeting began as they urged members to reject the proposals.

Campaigners came out of the church with their arms in the airCampaigners came out of the church with their arms in the air (Image: Colin Mearns) MSP Jackie Baillie spoke at the meeting 'emploring' the board to make the 'right choice'.

Jackie Baillie urged the board to reject the proposalsJackie Baillie urged the board to reject the proposals (Image: Colin Mearns) Speaking in her five-minute slot to the board she said: "I am not against a development, this just isn't the right development."

She went on to say that the development application was "better than the first" but it was "still not good enough".

Other politicians have welcomed the news as Pam Gosal MSP for West Scotland said: “Local residents in the Loch Lomond area have made it clear that they oppose the development proposal of Flamingo Land. 

“I have been against this proposal from day one and it is therefore great news that the proposal has been rejected."