A SERIAL abuser who preyed on three young women is back behind bars.

Jordan Bowrman tormented his victims including raping one when they were both teenagers.

The now 27-year-old was convicted of four charges following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

In 2020, Bowrman was locked up for more than two years after he assaulted a woman then sent a photo of her injuries to a boy bragging about what he had done.

Bowrman was remanded in custody for the latest offences and will be sentenced later this year.

The crimes occurred between July 2012 and December 31, 2019, in Lanarkshire and a number of addresses in Glasgow's East End.

Bowrman first struck when he raped a teenage girl in a tent in the garden of a house.

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The next victim - who was also a teenager at the time - went on to repeatedly suffer at his violent hands.

This included Bowrman punching, kicking and stamping on her as well as dragging the terrified young woman by the hair.

He also pressed a hot lighter against her skin and hurled eggs and crockery at her.

Bowrman mocked her by calling her vulgar names. He also spat at her.

The final victim also suffered in a similar way. The attacks saw her hit with a motorbike helmet, a phone, a pole, a bottle and glasses.

She was also punched as well as kicked in an intimate area.

Bowrman, of Airdrie, had denied the accusations.

But, he was found guilty of raping the first victim.

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Bowrman was convicted of repeatedly assaulting the second to her injury.

He was finally guilty of two charges involving the last young woman - both involved assaults to her injury with one to her permanent disfigurement.

Bowrman had been on bail during the trial.

But, Lord Richardson told him: "In light of the likely disposal in this case, you will be remanded in custody meantime."

As he was led handcuffed to the cells, Bowrman then appeared to make a remark towards at least one of the victims who had returned for the verdict.

He is due to be sentenced on November 6 in Edinburgh. Bowrman was put on the sex offenders list.