SCOTLAND’S housing crisis is deepening, and it is clear that the Scottish Government must act with urgency to protect the most vulnerable.

The latest figures reveal a heartbreaking truth: 5442 adults and 2050 children in Glasgow are currently living in temporary accommodation such as B&Bs and hotels. This housing emergency must be a wake-up call to those in power.

Scotland has grappled with a housing shortage for many years, with children and families in unsafe and unsuitable living conditions. Several local authorities, including Glasgow and Edinburgh, have declared housing emergencies in a desperate plea for help, while the Scottish Government continues to cut its housing budget.

Labour have heard these calls loud and clear. The newly elected UK Government has pledged to build 1.5 million homes over the next parliamentary term, tackling the crisis head-on.

Affordable, safe and secure housing should not be a privilege for the few but a right for all. These homes will give families the stability they deserve and break the cycle of homelessness and temporary accommodation.

But new builds alone won’t solve the problem. The tragedy at Grenfell Tower exposed a horrifying reality – thousands of people in the UK are still living in unsafe buildings.

Labour have made it clear that making homes more energy efficient must be a priority. In addition, the UK Government has allocated funding to address dangerous cladding. But in Scotland, it is the responsibility of the Scottish Government to ensure that this funding is used to safeguard residents.

So far, the Scottish Government has abdicated this responsibility, and as yet, we haven’t seen the progress made elsewhere in the UK here in Scotland. Out of the 105 buildings identified in Scotland, only two have seen any progress.  

Health and safety should never be an afterthought. Labour will continue to fight for proper oversight of cladding removal and replacement to ensure that every family can sleep safely in their homes.

The housing crisis cannot be resolved without deep, structural reform. Labour are committed to modernising planning regulations to speed up both the construction of new homes and the upgrading of existing ones.

We know that delays and bureaucracy are standing in the way of progress, and we are determined to remove these barriers. The Scottish Government, on the other hand, has failed to deliver.

It recently confirmed that the funding allocated by the UK Government to combat the issue of dangerous cladding has been spent to fill a black hole in the Scottish Government’s finances.

With housing budgets slashed, and not enough homes being built, it is time for a new approach. The Scottish Government must ensure that councils and housing associations have the funding and flexibility they need to meet the demand for new, safe, sustainable homes.

The people of Scotland have been let down by their government for too long. With no concrete plan, families are left trapped in unsafe conditions or wondering if their children will ever have a place to call home.

This is about people. Children and families in Scotland cannot wait any longer. Both governments must work together to solve this crisis.