A MAN ended up in the dock after a "practical joke" on his friend went wrong.

Brian Galbraith decided to prank Steven Dawson while he was out at the pub one night last October.

It involved the 43-year-old making his way into neighbour Mr Dawson's home in Glasgow's Yoker.

Mr Dawson returned around 10pm and instantly clocked belongings had been shifted with a window also open.

He panicked and feared someone had broken in while he was out.

Fiscal Caitlin McAllister told Glasgow Sheriff Court: "He went to his spare bedroom and could hear a noise coming from his cupboard."

Mr Dawson opened it - and out popped his friend Galbraith munching a packet of crisps.

He told Mr Dawson: "I was just going to give you a fright."

Galbraith soon left when he realised the man was not amused.

Mr Dawson went on to report Galbraith to police the next day leading to him being arrested.

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The dad told officers: "I was trying to play a prank and sneak up on him.

"I went back and apologised to him this morning. I realised that he did not take it as a joke.

"I am remorseful and embarrassed."

Galbraith has now pleaded guilty to a charge of threatening and abusive behaviour in connection with this incident.

The court heard Galbraith had previously been in the armed forces with the Royal Logistics Corps which involved a six-month tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Referring to the 'prank', his lawyer Kirsty McGeehan said: "It is bizarre behaviour.

"He was found in the cupboard eating a packet of crisps.

"Prior to this, they were friends and they live beside each other.

"They would go in and out of each other's flats."

Sheriff Anna Reid fined Galbraith - who now works for Ikea - £245.

She said: "This was an ill-judged practical joke which caused Mr Dawson a fright."