A “grenade” was found outside an office sparking a large bomb squad response.

Roads near Linwood Industrial Estate were locked down this morning due to the discovery of an explosive weapon.

Police, fire, and ambulance services were spotted at Burnbrae Drive shortly after 9am today.

It is understood that Malcolm Group logistics head office was evacuated as a result after a bomb was found on grass near the premises.

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Police shut down the areaPolice shut down the area (Image: Newsquest)

One person said: “Someone found a grenade in the grass outside of The Malcolm Group head office.

“People had to be evacuated while the police came and investigated.”

A second person said: “My mum works in the industrial site and was told it was a grenade that was found but they didn’t know if it was dangerous.

“She wasn’t allowed to leave her work while they dealt with it.”

Police blocked access to the areaPolice blocked access to the area (Image: Sourced) READ MORE: Glasgow primary pupils complained about dirty air at school

A third person said: “Staff from the Malcolm Group head office were evacuated but are all back inside now.”

A fourth person said: “Police suddenly showed up and shut the place down, I think some sort of bomb was found.

"I hope everyone is alright and they get to the bottom of it.”

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The area was investigatedThe area was investigated (Image: Sourced)

It is believed The Malcolm Group office was briefly evacuatedIt is believed The Malcolm Group office was briefly evacuated (Image: Sourced)

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Around 9.05am on Tuesday, September 24 2024, police were called after a device - thought to be an old ordnance device - was found in Burnbrae Dr, Linwood.

"As a precaution, a cordon was placed around the area and one local business was evacuated.

"The EOD - Explosive Ordnance Department - attended and the device was safely removed from the area.

"Staff have been allowed to return to their work and local roads are now open."

A spokesperson for Malcolm Group said: "We were contacted by Police Scotland around 10.00am this morning and asked to vacate our offices as a precaution after a device was found in the near vicinity.

"After Police Scotland confirmed it was safe to do so, colleagues returned to our premises shortly before noon."