A list of conferences attended by Glasgow councillors has been published.

Senior councillors of all parties travelled to events at home and abroad with trips as far afield as Romania and Japan on the list.

The list, revealed to a council committee, included the council leader and convenors going to a number of events representing the city.

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(Image: Councillor Susan Aitken)

Council leader Susan Aitken attended a single-day Connected Places Summit in London in March at a cost of £352.

The leader also attended the UKREiiF in Leeds which cost £140; the World Cities Summit in Japan in June which cost the council £185, and the Conference with Economic Development in London costing £354 which deputy leader Richard Bell also attended also costing £354.

Allan Casey, convenor for workforce homelessness and addictions, attended the Social Innovation Lab in Torino, Italy from September 18 to 20 costing £455.

Casey also went to Paris for the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless from June 19 to 22, costing £890.

(Image: Councillor Annette Christie)

Annette Christie, Glasgow Life chair, was approved to attend the Eurocities Culture Forum in Belfast from 24 to 28 September, costing £733.

Christie also attended the Eurocites AGM in Cluj Romania from May 28 to June 1 at a cost of £720.

Other trips included Imran Alam, Labour councillor, going to Montpellier in France for the LUCI urban lighting AGM from June 24 to 27at a cost of £488 , and Anne McTaggart (SNP)  going to Belgium for the National Association of Councillors from April 12 to14, costing £450.

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(Image: Councillor Thomas Kerr)

Thomas Kerr, Conservative councillor, was approved for a trip to Scarborough in Yorkshire, for the National Association of Councillors from April 12 to 14 costing £600. He also attended a NAC event in Carlisle costing £24.80.

The chief executive of the council is able to approve spending for conferences and events up to £1000.

A total of 22 attendances were approved in this way including nine in Scotland, seven in the rest of the UK and six abroad.

The Scottish visits included four councillors Susan Aitken, Roza Salih (SNP), Kieran Turner (Labour), and Jon Molyneux (Greens) at the Cosla mini-conference in Edinburgh costing £14.90 each, two more Fyeza Ikhlaq (SNP) and Soryia Siddique(Labour) attended in a hybrid manner at no cost.

(Image: Councillor Ruairi Kelly)

Ruairi Kelly, neighbourhoods convenor, attended the APSE Scotland Fleet, Waste and Grounds Seminar in Aviemore costing £424.

Council rules state: “In terms of the Scheme of Delegated Functions, the Chief Executive is authorised, in consultation with the Council Business Manager, to authorise the attendance of elected members at conferences etc in the UK up to a maximum of £800 and to approve international travel up to a maximum cost of £1,000 per person.”