A man who seriously injured his long term partner in a horror car crash after he drove through red light avoided jail today.

Hugh Canavan, 59, crashed his Nissan Note vehicle into a Porsche Cayenne in Glasgow's Oatlands on July 10 2022.

Canavan raced through a junction while his partner for 35 years Angela McGurk was in the front passenger seat.

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The passnger side of Canavan's vehicle struck the Porsche being driven by Demi-Lee Maden while a young girl was in the car.

Miss McGurk was kept in hospital for two weeks having suffered a string of injuries including broken ribs and bleeding to the spleen.

Canavan pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to causing Miss McGurk serious injury by careless driving.

Sheriff Tom Hughes ordered Canavan, of the city's Queen's Park, to do 200 hours of unpaid work.

He was also put under supervision for one year and disqualified from driving for two years and 11 months.

The court heard that Miss Maden approached the traffic light junction and had a green light to turn south east.

Prosecutor Ross Canning said: "At this time, Canavan continued north west on New Rutherglen Road and simply continued to drive through a red light.

"He collided with the front end of the Porsche which caused injuries to Canavan and Miss Madden.

Canavan was found to have a blow to his head due to the airbag while Miss Madden had an injury to her thigh and the seven-year-old girl who was in the rear passnger seat was in "shock."

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Miss McGurk meantime was unable to open her door and had to exit through the driver's side.

Maden told police that he accelerated through the junction but "missed the lights change."

Miss McGurk was taken to hospital along with Canavan while Miss Madden did not require treatment.

Mr Canning said: "Miss McGurk was an in-patient for two weeks and was treated for broken ribs, a broken breast bone as well as bleeding to the spleen.

"A plate was put in her wrist and she sustained bruising to her feet and legs."

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Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month by Sheriff Tom Hughes.

Canavan, of Queen's Park, was disqualified from driving and granted bail meantime.