A Christmas party for Scotland’s sickest kids has been cancelled.

The John O’Byrne Foundation has been forced to axe the annual event due with its founder citing personal health issues. 

The party is held in or around Glasgow every year to give sick youngsters a safe place to enjoy the festive period as the event is hyper-accessible and caters to their special needs. Last year it took place in SWG3 in the West End.

Now John O’Byrne has announced he can’t go ahead after breaking his leg in an accident.

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John, from Bellahouston. posted : “As everyone knows the most important date on the calendar for my foundation is our Christmas party we have every single year.

“We realise how important it is to get kids with long-term illnesses along to the best party ever.

“We have had a lot of requests for kids to be considered already as there is a huge demand for it but this year unfortunately I've decided not to go ahead with it.

“The pressure to make it perfect for them is unreal but the main reasons are I'm not physically or mentally fit enough to do it, and there's also the cost."

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He added: "Hopefully next year my leg is better and we can get it happening again but the last four months have wiped me out.

"My leg pain is taking an eternity to heal. so I'm putting myself first for once as I know the work involved is beyond belief.

“I’m disappointed but it is what it is.”

Last year they also cancelled the Christmas party until a generous donor stepped in at the last minute to fork the £5k costs to keep it going.