Dear Janice, I’m dating a guy I really like, and I got the impression that he was right into me too, but the other night I overheard him say to his friend that apart from my huge backside, he thinks I am gorgeous.

I can’t get this out of my head but surely if I bring this up, he’ll just deny it. Becky.

Dear Becky, he probably would deny it out of sheer embarrassment.

None of us are perfect and goodness knows what is said behind our back, so I’d say nothing for now as he clearly finds you beautiful.

So, accept the compliment, but if he ever mentions your large posterior again, go for the jugular and have it out with him as he needs to know that comments like this are not acceptable.

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Dear Janice, I’ve known for a while that my husband is seeing someone else, but no matter how I build myself up to it, I cannot confront him. I haven’t even had the courage to tell my best friend.

I’ve put on weight and fear that if I push him and he leaves me, I’d be on my own forever as our children flew the nest years ago and I don’t want a future of solitude.

I know I’m a coward but I’m praying he will get bored and the whole sad mess will blow over like it did last time.

But I’m miserable every day and my heart breaks every time he goes out or comes home late, but what else can I do? Anon.

Dear Anon, I understand that if you open up about this it makes it “real” and forces you to make decisions, therefore you must confide in your best friend. I guarantee she already knows something is amiss and is waiting to comfort and support you.

Life with a cheater is no life at all, and it will eventually grind you into oblivion if you don’t face up to the reality of your marriage.

Aside from confronting (or not) your husband, let’s focus on you.

It is clear you need to refresh your life and get your mojo back, starting with controlling your weight.

So, get out in the fresh air with your friend and walk for miles. Enrol in a ladies’ gym and enjoy the banter you are so badly missing or treat yourself to a weekend break.

When you distance yourself from your miserable home life, the old you will begin to resurface, and let’s be honest, it can only be better than sulking at home waiting for a man who has just slithered out of someone else’s bed.

When you shift your focus, you’ll be stronger and better placed to confront or move on from your philandering husband.

Two choices. Keep your head buried in the sand in the hope he doesn’t leave, or take control and live happily and content on your own terms.