CONCERNS have been raised about the safety of a primary school after a teacher "narrowly" avoided being "seriously injured" when a panel fell from the ceiling.  

The incident occurred at Milngavie Primary School on Thursday, October 10 when a piece of MDF, which had been used to repair a hole, fell while a teacher was working at her desk. 

The MDF, which had four nails protruding from it, did not hit her but she is said to have been left "very shaken" by the incident.  

Pupils were not in the classroom at the time and an investigation into what happened is ongoing. 

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The hole left behind in the ceilingThe hole left behind in the ceiling (Image: Milngavie Primary Parents Council) A spokesperson for the Milngavie Primary Parent Council says the incident has caused "serious concerns" for parents and they are urging East Dunbartonshire Council (EDC) to take urgent action to repair the building.  

They said: "Following the incident last week in a classroom when a piece of MDF which had four nails protruding from it narrowly missed hitting a teacher as she sat at her desk working, we have serious concerns with regard to the safety of both the children and staff in the building.  

"The teacher was very shaken by the incident, and it was quite shocking for parents. She could have been seriously injured.  

"Luckily the children were at a music lesson and not in the classroom when it happened. I think seeing something like that would make them very nervous."

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(Image: Milngavie Primary Parents Council) They continued: "The council says the building is safe but incidents like this are a cause for concern for parents.  

"We want to know our children are safe at school but it’s only through luck that someone was not injured in this incident. 

"There are numerous other temporary patches in the school and some are four or five times the size of this patch. For parents, going into their children’s classrooms and seeing cracks, patches and damp is not very reassuring.  

"The optimism the repairs needed will be made at the school is gone and we are really concerned for children being in the building now. 

"The council needs to realise the urgency of the situation and take action to repair the school properly. Temporary patches are not the answer.  

"The school needs to be repaired and made wind and watertight so our children can go in without fear of being injured."

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The piece of MDF that fell from the ceilingThe piece of MDF that fell from the ceiling (Image: Milngavie Primary Parents Council) Cllr Alix Mathieson also says she was "shocked" to hear about the incident and says the safety of pupils and staff should be a priority for the council.  

She said: "I have raised concerns about the issues in the school on a regular basis and I have continually called on the SNP Administration to prioritise the repairs of the school, the safety of our pupils and staff should be our utmost priority.  

"As a parent in the school I have witnessed the issues first hand and I am in dialogue with the parent body and I am determined to continue to push to see this resolved."

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Another patch of ceiling that has been repaired which parents are now concerned aboutAnother patch of ceiling that has been repaired which parents are now concerned about (Image: Milngavie Primary Parents Council) The incident comes after plans to completely refurbish Milngavie Primary School were postponed "indefinitely" in August.  

We previously reported EDC agreed in 2021 that the school should undergo a full refurbishment due to the state of the building which first opened in 1875.  

Problems include 'water dripping from the ceilings, mushrooms growing inside the building, and black mould growing on the windows'.  

However, due to the cost of the plans becoming "unaffordable" to the council the project has been paused with temporary repairs taking place instead.  

Cllr Gordan Low, leader of EDC, said: "The safety of pupils and staff is a priority in all our schools.  

"Officers acted quickly to make full checks after this reported incident at Milngavie Primary, where thankfully no-one was hurt. An investigation into this matter is ongoing. 

"A range of works is in progress at Milngavie Primary, which is continuing while the school is closed for the October Week, and further works will be undertaken over the coming weeks and months. 

"I share the disappointment of the school community that the full refurbishment project is currently paused but can give assurance that officers are currently reviewing options for the replacement of the roofs, and these will be reported to council in due course."