A golf club in Coatbridge has requested permission to carry out various alterations to trees around its course.

Drumpellier Golf Club has applied to North Lanarkshire Council seeking approval to fell one tree and remove branches from others, as it is subject to a tree preservation order which means consent from the local authority is required before the work is carried out.

The club wants to fell a sycamore located between the 15th and 16th holes of the course, having carried out a risk assessment following one accident and several near misses involving buggies as the tree narrows the path.

The tree in question is part of a thicket of ten trees.

The other work, which involves trimming other trees, is intended to reduce the risk of injury to people on the course from low branches or golf balls.

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A statement supporting the application notes that in their present state, two trees are impacting the playing surface of the eighth green due to damage from water droplets, shading and light loss, so crown reduction and thinning are needed.

The statement also proposes several measures to mitigate the overall impact of this work, including planting three new trees near the one which would be felled.

Further information on the application can be found on North Lanarkshire Council’s website by searching for planning reference 24/01051/TPO.