A property company is looking for permission from Renfrewshire Council to increase the number of flats it is planning to build at Braehead.

Park Lane Group was given the go ahead for the construction of 18 flats and 39 houses on a patch of land in Row Avenue just over two years ago.

But it has now submitted an application which, if approved, would mean it could add a further six units to its proposed development near the Steam Wheeler pub.

MAST Architects, the agent, said in a statement on the company’s behalf: “Since granting consent, extensive discussions have taken place with our client and RSL [registered social landlord] partner (Sanctuary Scotland) in order to determine the viability of the scheme in its present form.

“It has become apparent that the well-publicised issues affecting the construction industry have a significant impact on deliverability and, as such, we have explored options to increase density within the site to address these concerns.

“Our client (Owen Wilton of Park Lane Group) had held initial discussions with Sharon Marklow (prior to her leaving the planning service) to review the potential for an increase in density to 60 units – this being achieved by increasing the height of the flatted block adjacent to the roundabout from three to four storeys.

“It was suggested that this would be acceptable and could be handled via a non-material variation.

“Subsequent to these initial discussions, the project team have also sought to apply the same principle to the other flatted block at the western end of the site, increasing this to four storeys to yield an overall development total of 63 units.

“Further discussions with Sharon Marklow confirmed that this variation would require a variation to the original consent requiring the submission of a planning application.”

The site is bordered by a Premier Inn to the south, Dobbies Garden Centre to the north, the Steam Wheeler to the north east and Renfrew Road to the west.

A decision will be made on the application at a later date.