STAFF from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) have been collecting essentials for Ukrainian refugees arriving in Scotland

The team, who are from the blood screening service basing in Templeton Business Centre, collected items including food, nappies and baby goods, toiletries and sanitary products and basic medicines. 

The items were then donated to Refuweegee, a community-led charity that gives people a way to welcome and embrace those who have been forced to flee their homes. 

Frances Stewart, team lead within the Screening Department, said: "It’s been difficult to watch the news night after night and see the terrible tragedy unfold in the Ukraine.

"Families being torn apart, people losing their homes and loved ones – and having to flee with only the clothes on their backs.

"We wanted to help and everyone was only too happy to help and get on board.

"We quickly realised that it was not clothes and blankets or food that were needed, but practical items like first aid kits, nappies, medicines and toiletries that would be most useful to the children and families making their way out of the conflict zones.

"After putting the call out to our department and then the wider building, within a few days we had heaps of items.

"We contacted a lot of businesses and charities, but in true Glasgow style, the city had stepped up so much so, that a lot of places had to stop taking collections."

She added: "We came across Refuweegee, a Glasgow-based charity which is passionate about helping refugees settle into their new surroundings.

"One of the ways they do this is by providing welcome packs to families.

"They explained that our goods will be used to provide families with these much-needed essentials.

"It really is great to see that charities like this exist to show people seeking a safe place to rebuild their lives that as a city we care, that they are welcome and that they are now safe."

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The charitable collection was started by Screening Team member Allison McCreath who said: "The hope is that our donation helps to show a small act of kindness to the people of Ukraine when they are going through such an unthinkable time in their lives."

Selina Hales, founder and chief executive of Refuweegee, said: "We’re incredibly grateful to the Screening Team for their kindness and generosity.

"As the first Ukrainians fleeing the war arrive in Glasgow, we are offering a warm welcome and practical support to help them settle.

"Every act of kindness will go a long way to helping those impacted by terrible trauma.

"Refuweegee has been welcoming people from all over the world for a number of years now and we are delighted to be able to pass on these much-needed donations to people from Ukraine and many other countries around the world."

You can find out how to donate to Refuweegee HERE